Sunday, July 03, 2016

Aaj Jaane Ki Zid na Karo

I fell in love with this song when i first heard it via Shankar Tucker's arrangement. His coveted Shruti Box album has many more great curated gems..

Lyrics of the song can be found Here - Lyrics of Aaj jane ki zid na karo (thank you Manjusha)

Here's Aaj Jane ki zid na karo from his album

--------- The song drove me to look for other versions Here are some:

Habib Wali Muhammad (1974)

By Farida Khannum (Old recording)

Farida Khannum on Coke Studio (Epic)

And the Awesome A R Rahman unplugged.. adding his signature.

The same song, not very different tune passing through different artists bringing out a new flavour and ultimately keeping its music and lyric timeless!!

Happy listening!

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