"Please welcome the newest member of our urban community. You have no choice but to accept his presence. Guess what.. there are many of them ruling you!"
I sit here at my office which is within a kilometer radius, and right in between two places where there are commando operations happening for the last 36 hours.
Fortunately for me, there is a safe route between these two flash-points which leads to my office. Over the last couple of month's this is the second time, mumbai has been brought to a halt by activities which make the word violence seem musically calm. Everytime the newschannels have misinterpreted the hungry daily wager going to work, as the "spirit of mumbai" with amazing resilience... Welcome to reality..
A reality where 26 people less than 26 years of age can rise from the sea and hold the entire city to ransom. They can easily bypass the numerous metal detectors which do nothing more than... Beep... and of course give kickbacks to its procurers.
They can stock arms and ammunition at any location, including the spare refrigerator space in five-star locations. They are all around us.. Someday they may enter with battle tanks.
If you are beginning to think, i am practicing writing the next sequel of " War of the Worlds"... look around yourself. The outlaws who make our laws. And the helpless machinery that tries to implement it. The net result: We have Terrorists with easy entry and exists. If they die, they are martyrs of their men.. If they get caught, until proven guilty(read infinity), a privilege of our proud lawkeepers, they are given great tax-funded facilities. They may eventually be released and may be elected as our leaders (Ref: Abu Salem and Md. Afzal Guru)
The only way to be prepared for this is accept..that we have a terrorist like a milkman.. who is protected either deliberately or through our systemic lacunae. Either ways.. he exists. He has nothing personal against you, your religion, your family life. Perhaps he likes the colour of your blood.
When you leave your home for work, Pray hard. When you spend time with your family and friends, shower your love, as though the very next moment.. you would be gone!