This post concerns one of my dearest projects, an achievement of my life so far - This is a website and a project dedicated to my talented community
"We need to have our own site and total control on our content" urged Sankalp in a chat few months back.
Unyielding and stubborn as i am, i defended my choice to stick to blogger and the other free platforms that the Internet God - Google and the other angels like esnips provide.
Radio Idli had achieved early fame through a couple of press coverage by DNA and Indian Express, and a television interview by CNN IBN. Its popularity within the Saraswat community it served, grew with some good contributions. It won the support of professional performers, community institutions and the listeners at large.
My debate with Sankalp that evening ended with an indefinite tag... "Lets see".
Few months later, Sankalp decided to book our own custom domain name - (as against the older A couple of more months later, he came back saying that he had got an irresistable deal for hosting which was customized for a multimedia web 2.0 initiative like ours.
Thats where the making of Radio Idli 2.0 began. Sankalp and I both then started a journey towards selflearning of freely available open source applications that could help create a very strong medium. The journey which continues till date has been very exciting and enriching.
The first result of the same has been launched - Radio Idli Version 2.0.
Watch a community come alive on the internet -